Mngt MCAManuel C. Alberto
President and Chief Operating Officer
Mngt JGAJohn Gaspar A. Antonio
Vice President for
Information Technology
Mngt HLGHermar L. Guitering
Vice President for Logistics
Mngt APJAntonio P. Jacomina III
Vice President for Human Resources
Mngt FBJFloradema B. Jayme
Vice President for Procurement
Mngt AMLArnold M. Leoncio
Vice President for Bus. Devt.
& Investor Relations
Mngt LSMLucille S. Malazarte
Vice President for Finance and Comptroller
Mngt BTMBenedicto Clark T. Miranda
Vice President for Store Network Devt. 
Mngt JGOJoselito G. Orense
Treasurer and Chief Finance Officer 
Mngt KATKareen A. Tablizo
Vice President for Corporate Planning
Mngt VETAtty. Vincent E. Tomaneng
Corporate Secretary and Chief Legal Counsel
Mngt AMTAnn Marjorie Tomas
Vice President for Marketing Services